Banner Casting is one of the leading casting agencies in Hungary...
For many years, our website opened with this sentence and we like this sentence because we worked long and hard to make it a reality. However, recent innovations and the dedication of our team mean that it no longer reflects the entire situation.
Although our agency is still a key player in the local market, we have now set sail for foreign shores with the launch of several new divisions.
Our primary aim was not to expand internationally but to answer a new challenge. We were forced to realise that we are not entirely able to service feature films and commercials filmed in Hungary from Hungary.
We have already mentioned the fact that Hungary hosts an unbelievable number of service productions, which is great for all those working in the industry. But this plethora of productions presents us with many new challenges in Hungary forcing us to face such questions as lack of skilled staff, technical advancement and infrastructural development. Thanks to the nature of the profession – where just a few drops of rain can turn a shooting schedule on its head – none of these issues proved too tough for Hungarian filmmakers to tackle as the local industry responded with renewed technical training, intern programs and innovation at every level.
Of course, such trends have not passed Banner Casting by, and we, too, have been driven to make changes.
It could be said that our situation was a little more complex as our work has always brought different generations together. No more than a decade ago, calling a well-known actor for a screen test proved problematic. But the situation has changed a great deal since then and a great deal of hard work and patient dedication has seen us all reinvent and reinterpret the role of casting. Although this does not mean that we can simply sit back and let the rest happen as there are still so many tricky areas to tackle such as the lack of actor showreels, drawing provincial actors in through the online platform, perfecting casting techniques preferred by international partners and clients, and creating professional portfolios. The competition is large but thankfully open and the only way forward is to reflect and adapt to changes in the market.
Fortunately for us all, we are not the only ones to be thinking along these lines and we are pleased to see that not only the younger generation but also older actors, who grew up in a completely different structure, are increasingly open and curious when it comes to considering the new methodologies and technologies that shape casting as it is today.
It’s our confirmed belief that it is the professional duty of everyone in the industry to follow and react to even the smallest change. The market is moving all the time and it’s our job to move along with it in order to provide the best service that we possibly can. The way we do this in casting is by first discussing issues and then acting on them. We’re delighted to see that the entire profession – or perhaps it should be called a subculture – can now clearly see that...
We would like to take this chance to tell you about recent developments and new divisions created at Banner Casting.